Friday, July 01, 2005

LLS reaching the finish line

Lantz, Lee, and Serrano Lab has spent most of the day finiishing our Gitmo Affirmative. While things started a little slow, we are all excited about the AFF.... especially the rubber dinghy.

We also had a good day of Theory. A strong session that fellowed up on Kenda's Counterplan lecture and a session on AFF answers to Disads.

While the Lab leaders still have a long night of evidence sorting, the students have begun their Negative reserch efforts - Courts CP and a China DA.

I think Lantz has a couple of students working on his summer assignment during their down time. At this point they have surpassed his evidence production for next year's college topic :-)

off to party like it is 1999 ....


Anonymous said...

PLEASE POST!! I NEED THE POSTS!! mancuso, our lab had an amazing day - give us justice.

Anonymous said...

you spelt finishing worng

Anonymous said...

The comment above mine spelled wrong 'worng'.

And, spelt isn't a word.