Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Red Hawk Bee Announced!

In order to establish a program substantially increasing the number of persons paying attention in lectures, we would like to offer a positive incentive based program.

Rules: There will be regular quizzes of about 10 questions that test your knowledge of the content of large group lectures and events. You may use any notes that you have taken.
On a regular basis, results will be posted on the blog that include
• The top point leaders
• The overall status of each lab
• The “DFL”
The DFL will then be required to do menial labor as designated by their lab leaders, for example, clean the lab room at the end of a lab meeting.

At the end of the institute, there will be prizes for the top point leaders.

Quiz 1 was based on Steve Mancuso's and Michael Risen's topic lectures and some name games. Below are the questions followed by the correct answers.

Quiz 1
Each question is worth 1 point. To receive credit, the answer must be 100% complete and accurate, as based on the information given in the lectures

1. Write out the high school 06-07 resolution
Resolved: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America, Armed Forces.
2. What are the 5 parts of the Armed Forces?
Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard
3. True or False – Non-US citizens, who are American residents, are allowed to enlist and have full access to all positions in the Armed Forces.
FALSE (non US citizens may not be officers or have national security clearance)
4. True or False – the Air Force was founded after the Navy
5. Which member of Congress recently introduced a bill to reinstate the draft again?
6. What is the youngest someone may be in order to participate in any program of the Senior Corps?
7. What is the top reason that Americans do not volunteer?
8. True or False – the Peace Corps does family planning and HIV/AIDs awareness programs that include, education, prevention, and birth control
FALSE (Peace Corps is not allowed to provide birth control)
9. What national service program has suffered such budget cuts that many speculate it may not exist in 2007?
10. What animal discussed during the name game was attributed with the unfortunate characteristic of exploding when dropped?
Tarantula (see http://www.zoo.org/mow/facts.html)

Only two students in the three week institute successfully got the resolution correct, including capitalization, spelling, and order of programs. Alexandria Fox-Mack deserves some applause for being one of those.

Scott Marchi has given himself the lead by being the only perfect score in the institute! However, there are half a dozen nipping at his feet with 9 points so far.

The Lee/Serrano lab is slightly ahead of the Strait/Wallace lab in points.

The DFL was Jeffrey Boxer, but he still has time to catch up, so don't count him out yet!

More quizzes and results after our second quiz, which will be based on the thorough Topicality lecture Ed Lee gave this morning, as well as the research lectures and the institute-wide Research Project.

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