Miami's team of Ilya Galperin and Aaron Vinson achieved a 6-2 record cleared for the second time this year. Ilya was named the Second Speaker at the tournament. Two other teams from Miami attended - "The Mikes" - Mike Jensen and Michael Richardson went 3-5, and Lydia Elkins and Julie Wickenheiser were 4-4 in the JV division.
Here is our photojournal:
Director of Forensics, Ben Voth with Aaron Vinson.
Michael Richardson apparently giving Ilya a close shave.
A wide-awake Aaron and Ilya.
Mike Richardson prepping.
Lydia at lunch.
Ilya and Aaron, who went 6-2.
We think Michael was dressed like this for Halloween, although we're not completely sure.
Ilya Galperin, second speaker.
The coaching staff cuts it loose at a "loud Mexican restaurant". That's "Disco" Ben Voth and assistant coach Erika Thomas.